How do I connect Facebook and Google to my MCTC account?
When you connect your Facebook or Google account to Mi Casa Tu Casa, you'll see how you're connected to others on those accounts, either directly or through mutual friends, depending on your privacy settings. Your social accounts will also highlight your Mi Casa Tu Casa activity, which may include your username, profile photo, and recent locations you visited, to your friends on your social accounts who are also on Airbnb.
To turn your Facebook or Google account on:
Go to your Profile and select Account
Select Login & security
In the Social accounts section, select Connect next to each account you want to turn on and follow the instructions
To turn your Facebook or Google account off:
Go to your Profile and select Account
Select Login & security
In the Social accounts section, select Disconnect next to each account you want to turn off
When you turn a Facebook or Google account off, your Mi Casa Tu Casa account remains connected to that account. However, your Mi Casa Tu Casa activity won't be shared with that account’s friends on MCTC.
If you've enabled a Facebook or Google account but don't see any connections, it might be that your friends from that account aren't active yet on Mi Casa Tu Casa.